Welcome to 2013!


I’m back, and ready to continue into my second year of blogging.

I already have two months of blog posts planned out and I’m feeling on top of things.
At least as long as I continue taking that ginko stuff I picked up at Drug Emporium.

This year is going to have some changes. Firstly, I changed the named of the blog from The Mountaineer Fashionologist to
West Virginia Fashion, which is what I use on social media. I kept getting tired of writing out “mountaineer fashionologist” and also because a lot of people had no idea what I was talking about.

I’m also contemplating hiring a web designer to makeover the blog. I’m going to see if I can do it first, so the blog may look like crap for a few weeks. If I can’t get it where I want it, I’m just going to break down and hire someone who knows what they’re doing, AKA not me.  I’ve already been looking at some designers with impressive portfolios so I may go ahead and just hire them already and save my sanity.

I’ve also found my old Adobe textbooks from college, so there will be better graphics. It’s amazing how much you forget over the years.

I would also like to include more of my own photography, but I have a few setbacks. Namely, I suck at photography. I can set up gorgeous scenes but when I go to shoot them, the photos look like crap. I even took photography in college so it’s a bit frustrating on my part. I also don’t own a fancy DSLR camera like all the other fashion bloggers. I’ve decided to save up to buy a house (or to move, depending on my career) and I’d much prefer to have $600 in the Katie-Liz-Wants-To-Own-A-House fund than a camera I would seldom use.

My resolutions for the new year of 2013
I really don’t make resolutions. I never have, because I know damn well I’m not going to keep them. I’ve also thought it dumb to make resolutions at New Year’s. Why make resolutions at just the turn of the year? Why not make changes tomorrow? Or start today?

However, I do forgive those on my sh!t list at the beginning of the year. So I guess that’s a sort of resolution?